Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

We've been having family movie nights lately at our house. Last night we watched Midway. It is the story of the Battle of Midway and focuses a lot on the bomber pilots. It is one intense movie and we all thought it was really good if you happen to have some time stuck...
How to finally get results this year

How to finally get results this year

80% is not a very exciting number for the most part. Unless you got similar grades to me in school. 80% was pretty awesome then.But most people don't get real excited about 80%. But that is actually a number that can help you get great results.Here are three ways 80%...
10 Ways To Lose Fat

10 Ways To Lose Fat

I read a great article from Precision Nutrition called All About Fat Loss. It was um, all about fat loss... The most useful part of the article for me was their 10 recommendations to help you lower body fat levels. It is not just "eat broccoli and go run for 2 hours"....
Bosses Don’t Cancel

Bosses Don’t Cancel

T'is the season to stop working out and eating healthy. All the craziness with the holidays, parties, food, shopping, travel. It is easy to let things fall by the wayside. But I want you to remember one phrase. Bosses don't cancel. More on that later, but for now...
Put yourself out there

Put yourself out there

My son had a birthday party over the weekend and it required the transportation of more kids than we were equipped to handle. We asked a friend if we could borrow their vehicle that had a third row. He not only agreed to let us borrow it, but when I showed up he...