T'is the season to stop working out and eating healthy. All the craziness with the holidays, parties, food, shopping, travel. It is easy to let things fall by the wayside. But I want you to remember one phrase.

Bosses don't cancel.

More on that later, but for now think of that as holiday mantra. Write it down, take a picture, put it on your fridge, or whatever you need to do. Keep it in sight and top of mind.

You have lots of responsibilities and you want to take care of those around you. I get it! I'm the same way. But the age old saying is true.

If you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else.

Exercise and healthy eating helps to bulletproof your body and mind. It helps you create physical and emotional resiliency.

This is important prep work to be done because the stresses are coming and they are coming hard! Especially this time of year.

Do you typically get sick this time of year? Is it because it's winter and things are "going around" or because you are running yourself ragged, not getting enough rest, not making it to your workouts, and your nutrition has slipped?

Remember our new mantra. Here is the full quote.

Your workouts are important meetings you scheduled with yourself. And you're the boss. Bosses don't cancel."

Got forth and be a Boss.