Dangers of Desk Jobs

Dangers of Desk Jobs

Let's face it, desk jobs are killing us! We are not built to sit in the same position for 8-10 hours every day. Here are a few of the common dangers of desk jobs: Muscular Skeletal Disorders Diabetes Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Obesity Poor Posture Aches and Pains...
Attitude and Effort is really all you can control

Attitude and Effort is really all you can control

It's my favorite time of year, football season! The kids going back to school is pretty awesome, but I love football. Especially since this will probably be the last year I will be able to coach my son. I coach the offensive and defensive line for a Pee Wee football...
Your body is the summary of your choices

Your body is the summary of your choices

I teach a middle school Sunday class made up of boys and girls 6th-8th grade. It is a pretty hilarious class most of the time and I learn more from them than what I teach them I'm sure. Our lesson last weekend was on choices. We have kids about to start high school,...
The Humane way to do Burpees

The Humane way to do Burpees

Burpees are the dental appointments of the exercise world. They are dreaded and feared by the majority of people who hear about them. What was the first thing you did when you read the word "burpees" in the title of this e-mail. This may be a pointless e-mail because...
Lost my wedding band in a serious game of tetherball 

Lost my wedding band in a serious game of tetherball 

My son and I were staying at the Raccoon Mountain Campgrounds in Chattanooga last week. We had an amazing time and got inspired to play some tetherball after we watched Napoleon Dynamite. It started raining, but true tetherball champions play through that type of...