Let's face it, desk jobs are killing us! We are not built to sit in the same position for 8-10 hours every day. Here are a few of the common dangers of desk jobs:
  • Muscular Skeletal Disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Obesity
  • Poor Posture
  • Aches and Pains
  • Neck Issues
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
That is pretty scary. So what are we going to do about it? THAT is the challenge this week.
I will give you my suggested challenge, but you can make it your own to suit your job and fitness level. The main thing is to create opportunities for movement throughout the day. Never sit for an hour straight.
Monday- Every hour do 25 squats. Break them up however you want to, but every hour you have to accumulate 25 squats.
Tuesday- 50 steps every hour. Marching in place, walking down the hall, etc... Avoid seated steps if at all possible.
Wednesday- Every hour 25 bodyweight rows. Palms face each other, pull the elbows back, arms stay close to your body, keep your chest lifted, squeeze the shoulder blades 
Thursday- 25 jumping jacks every hour
Friday-  10 pushups every hour. You can do them against the wall, against your desk, on the floor. However you want to do them.