I teach a middle school Sunday class made up of boys and girls 6th-8th grade. It is a pretty hilarious class most of the time and I learn more from them than what I teach them I'm sure.
Our lesson last weekend was on choices. We have kids about to start high school, so I wanted to have a discussion about choices and how they make you the person you will become.
Choices also determine what your body looks/feels like and what your fitness level is. There are extenuating circumstances that are beyond our control, but for the most part we are in the shape we are in now because of how we have chosen to live our lives.
Many of our choices are made on auto pilot, in the mini-routines we do throughout the day. Almost like those tiny adjustments you make on the steering wheel when you drive. You don't even consciously think about them, your body takes over.
This is great if your body is in the routine of exercise and healthy eating! Not so good if you are stuck in the typical, American rut of fast foods, busy lives, and and worn out bodies. I am right with you if you are struggling with your routine. I have found myself in the rut of eating dinner on the couch while watching America's Got Talent on more nights than I care to admit.
Look at your daily routine. It may not seem like it at first glance, but there are lots of choices being made in there that could make or break your success.
The decision to drink water or a Mt. Dew. To go to bed at 10pm or stay up to midnight watching a movie. To go for a walk after dinner or watch Netflix. Get grilled or fried. French fries or a salad. Those are just a few of the hundreds of examples I could have used.
When you are properly hydrated, rested, and nourished it makes it that much easier to get your exercise in. And the workouts get better too! But when you are dehydrated, exhausted, and running on processed foods you don't really feel like doing much of anything.
This is not meant as a guilt trip, it is meant to encourage you. Because it means you have the ability to completely change your life by changing your choices! I think that is pretty awesome and I hope you realize that kind power.
Don't get overwhelmed, don't get onto yourself for what you've done in the past, and don't make excuses. Just start with the easiest, healthy choice you can make today. Then start stockpiling those babies.
I believe in you, let's do this.