Your Workplace Is Making You Eat 1300 Extra Calories

Your Workplace Is Making You Eat 1300 Extra Calories

A recent study found emphasized the danger of workplace foods from sources like vending machines and cafeterias or that were provided for free through break areas, meetings, or social events. These workplace foods added up to almost 1300 additional calories per week!...
Junk Food Costumes

Junk Food Costumes

  We are driven by dopamine. If you notice that good feeling you feel when you drink, eat, or gamble. That is the Dope Man, dopamine. Food manufactures spend tons of money every year finding out what stimulates us poor humans to buy an digest more food than we intend...
4th of July Recipe

4th of July Recipe

When you are going to a party, it is always a good idea to bring a healthy dish. Several reasons: 1. It is courteous and your mom said you should 2. The other food could be horrible, you never know 3. You know there will be something healthy you can eat I said...
A new diet plan

A new diet plan

Some of you are veterans of the war on fat. Back in the days when low fat was recommended across the board by doctors and dietitians. That brought on what I all the Invasion of Snackwells. Low fat and no fat snacks were everywhere! Do you remember Wow chips? If you...
This dude must have been a wizard!

This dude must have been a wizard!

  It’s no secret to those that know me that I am pretty terrible when it comes to fixing things. This fact reared its ugly head over the weekend. You know those globe things in the ceiling that cover light bulbs? Little known fact-those things get dirty and will not...