Level One Nutrition Course enrolling new members now!

Level One Nutrition Course enrolling new members now!

Last week I shared with you about how important taking control of mindless eating is. How it can be the deciding factor in your whether or not you reach your goals. Mastering mindless eating is actually a skill that can be taught. That is what is covered in the Level...
Mindless Margins, Smaller Plates, and Nutrition Coaching

Mindless Margins, Smaller Plates, and Nutrition Coaching

I'm reading a book about the great basketball coach John Wooden. He was known for his strict attention to even the smallest details. He had a rationale for that too: "Big things are accomplished only through the perfection of minor details." This quote reminded me of...
The CRAP Detox that is sweeping the nation

The CRAP Detox that is sweeping the nation

There are a lot of detox options out there. Some good, some bad, some really off the wall. There is actually an Ice Cream Detox out there where you only eat 5 pints of special ice cream. Seems legit. If you are looking for way to give your body a little bit of a break...
The Power of the Mighty Checklist

The Power of the Mighty Checklist

"Discipline is hard - harder than trustworthiness and skill and perhaps even selflessness. We are by nature flawed and inconstant creatures. We can't even keep from snacking in between meals. We are not built for discipline. We are built for novelty and excitement,...
Transform your body in 6 weeks

Transform your body in 6 weeks

  Are you ready to TOTALLY transform your body in just 6 weeks?   Lose between 4-6% of your body fat in only 6 weeks? Then you are interested in the Low Carb Challenge I mentioned last week. This life-changing program officially launches on 1/10/2018, but you can...
What's your plan?

What's your plan?

It's crunch time! Also, Nestle's Crunch time. We have 2 months left in the year and they are crucial. Think about how most of your years have gone from this point. Your workouts slowly start to fall off. Your eating habits start to backslide. Stress levels go up,...