It’s no secret to those that know me that I am pretty terrible when it comes to fixing things. This fact reared its ugly head over the weekend.
You know those globe things in the ceiling that cover light bulbs? Little known fact-those things get dirty and will not clean themselves. My gym has several of them so I spent some time Saturday getting up on a ladder, taking them off, and cleaning them.
Everything was going smoothly until I managed to pull the whole lighting unit of the ceiling. This immediately puts me into a panic because of my aforementioned lack of handyman skills. After briefly considering that a dangling light fixture wouldn’t look THAT bad, I tried to fix it. Nothing.
I did what any grown man would do and called my wife into help. After several attempts one of us (can’t remember who) shouted, “Were these dudes wizards or something, how did they put this up here???”
We figured there had to be a better way, the guys that did this were not better than us dad gum it. We calmed down and my wife gave me a pep talk like Rocky 4.
“He’s not a machine! He’s a man! You want it more than he does!” We eventually figured out that by removing one of the pieces it would actually be possible.
And kudos to my wife for being the one to get it on there while I went to go flip some salmon on the grill.  She’s the best.
But that reminded me of an important lesson. There is a technique and a method for everything. Especially when it comes to exercising and eating right!
When you are following an ineffective workout or nutrition program, it can seem like you are me trying to fix things. Just musclin’ and cussin’ away while getting nowhere fast. You gotta know where your blind spots are in life and admit when you need help.
This is where I can help you. What questions do you have? What are your struggles? What is holding you back? Just reply to this e-mail and I will help however I can. And if I can’t help you, we will call my wife and I bet she can fix us up 🙂