Master The Art Of Showing Up

Master The Art Of Showing Up

I was listening to a podcast interview where Todd Durkin was asking James Clear bout his habits. James Clear is the author of the best book on habits I have ever read, "Atomic Habits". I highly recommend it. Clear said something during the podcast I thought was so...
Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

We've been having family movie nights lately at our house. Last night we watched Midway. It is the story of the Battle of Midway and focuses a lot on the bomber pilots. It is one intense movie and we all thought it was really good if you happen to have some time stuck...
Staying healthy during the Coronavirus

Staying healthy during the Coronavirus

These are very uncertain times we living in. It is the fear unknown that makes things so rough.Here is what we know for sure: Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your immunity and we all need that right now.Here are a few other ways to boost your immunity:-Get...
Shawshank Redemption your way to your goals

Shawshank Redemption your way to your goals

Have you ever seen the movie Shawshank Redemption? If not then you must not have TNT. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) goes to prison and eventually befriends Red Redding (Morgan Freeman). He uses his elite banking skills to help crooked prison officials. Spoiler alert- at...
Avoid goals vs approach goals

Avoid goals vs approach goals

It is the season of Lent. A lot of people choose to give something up this time of year.  And all throughout the year, people are trying to avoid eating junk food, cut out sugar, stop drinking alcohol, etc... Those are what Dr. John Berardi calls Avoid Goals. They are...