I was listening to a podcast interview where Todd Durkin was asking James Clear bout his habits. James Clear is the author of the best book on habits I have ever read, "Atomic Habits". I highly recommend it.

Clear said something during the podcast I thought was so important. He talked about the importance of mastering the art of showing up.

I completely agree with that!

He told a story about a man who had lost 100 pounds. For the first 6 months of his weight loss journey, he would not allow himself to stay at the gym longer than 5 minutes.

That sounds crazy, doesn't it?? Why would he do that?

He was mastering the art of showing up. 

He made going to the gym a rock-solid habit first before he started adding in the longer workouts. Very smart when you look at it like that.

If you are struggling to exercise in this crazy time we are in, don't picture yourself having to exercise for an hour straight. Or 45 minutes. Or even 10 minutes!

Show up. Do something for 5 minutes. Repeat.

You can get into further details later. You can fine-tune things as you go. 
For now, just master the art of showing up.