Time to sweep the crepe myrtle

Time to sweep the crepe myrtle

A weird title for a blog post, but stick with me here. There is a crepe myrtle in my backyard that has been plaguing me. It looks awesome, but it drops its petals on my sidewalk, they stick to the bottom of my shoe, and then I track them into my gym. So I started off...
Do you struggle with sugar?

Do you struggle with sugar?

One of the most common struggles people tell me about is dealing with sugar cravings. There is a reason for that, sugar is very addictive and people get caught in the sugar addiction cycle. If that is something you struggle with, I can relate. I've always had a sweet...
Try being negative for once

Try being negative for once

Have you ever heard of doing negatives? It's what the cool kids call an eccentric contraction. It's a contraction that occurs as the muscle is lengthening. If you think about a squat, the eccentric contraction is happening on the way down while the concentric...
Better, Bad Choices

Better, Bad Choices

We've all been there before. Your schedule is crazy, no time to cook, rushing between one event to the next, and you have no choice. You don't want to, but you have to do it. You have to get fast food. Surveys have found that 37% of adults admit they ate fast food in...

Try this exercise (not physical)

I try to always focus on the positive side of things, but it is necessary to think about all the things that could go wrong. That is where the Failure Pre-Mortem Exercise comes in. It is 6 months from now. Imagine you did not reach your most important goal. Write...