But not really

I try to always focus on the positive side of things, but it is necessary to think about all the things that could go wrong. That is where the Failure Pre-Mortem Exercise comes in.

It is 6 months from now. Imagine you did not reach your most important goal. Write the story of how it happened. What caused it to fail?

Kid's schedule took up too much time? Work got crazy? You were out of town a lot? What are the things you can see in the next 6 months that might trip you up?

Then you develop your If/Then Plans. I like to think of it as having a backup plan to back up your backup plan.

Things happen! To all of us. But what separates the people who succeed from the ones who don't, is how they handle it.  

Author James Clear says, "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."If/Then plans are part of the system we all need.

Take the time to look at the next 6 months on your calendar, pick out the things that might hold you back, and then develop the plans to conquer them.