Life lessons from sewage (read this one)

Life lessons from sewage (read this one)

  Everything was going good and then we all stopped in our tracks. What is that smell?? Oooooh that smell. Don't you smell that smell? That was quickly followed by. Oh. No. It was a closet full of sewage. Turns out the people who owned the house before us enjoyed...
This dude must have been a wizard!

This dude must have been a wizard!

  It’s no secret to those that know me that I am pretty terrible when it comes to fixing things. This fact reared its ugly head over the weekend. You know those globe things in the ceiling that cover light bulbs? Little known fact-those things get dirty and will not...
How To Get Six Pack Abs and a Billion Dollars

How To Get Six Pack Abs and a Billion Dollars

  That’s a pretty sweet title to an e-mail isn’t it? It is based on a quote I saw from Derek Sivers in Tim Ferriss’ “Tools of Titans” book. Sivers said: Chances are, you have everything you need RIGHT NOW to reach the goal you want. You don’t need more information,...

The Golden Statue Inside Of You

Thank you to everyone who filled out the 3 questions I sent out on Monday. They are helping me get a better idea of how I can serve you. A lot of the responses so far remind of the story of the Golden Buddha statue in Bangkok, Thailand. It’s a pretty amazing story!...
The Airport Experience Workout (video)

The Airport Experience Workout (video)

Recently I flew on an airplane. Side note, do people really need to add the "on an airplane" part of that sentence?   Anyway, flying can be a pretty physical task. It tests your strength, endurance, balance, and patience. So I developed a workout to get me ready for...