Next time you travel

Next time you travel

Since it is summer time and a lot of people are going on vacations, I got the opportunity to go on WAFF 48 and share a quick, travel circuit. All you need is one kettlebell (or one dumbbell) and a timer. I suggest downloading the free GymBoss app. I was going to send...
Have you ever wanted to throw up at a workout?

Have you ever wanted to throw up at a workout?

I was at jiujitsu yesterday and there was a young guy trying out his first class. Early 20s, no body fat, lots of muscles, been doing karate and other sports his whole life. Towards the end he was so exhausted he could not finish the full class. At the end he said, "I...
Getting out of pain

Getting out of pain

When you are hurting, you really don't care too much about healthy eating and exercise. You just want some relief! If you are in pain, I would like to offer you some encouragement and some tools that will hopefully help you. Recently my client Leigh Ann had been...
The Inconvenience of Convenience

The Inconvenience of Convenience

I was listening to The Art of Manliness yesterday and it was about the Tyranny of Convenience. It was about how convenience makes all of our lives easier, but it does not make our lives better.   We can get just about anything with the push of a button on an object in...

He made the team!

Three years ago I wrote about how huge it was for my son to score two points in his basketball game. Two points! That may seem like nothing, but it was a huge boost of confidence for him. You can read about that here: Greatest Two Points Ever My son (we call him B)...