What you can learn from my basketball "career"

What you can learn from my basketball "career"

  Here are a few of the highlights from my illustrious high school basketball career: -fouled out in 2 minutes (2 offensive, 3 defensive) -played a total of 13 seconds one game -scored 12 points against! But it was against a team that was down to 4 players by the time...
"A complete failure"

"A complete failure"

If you have been following my writing for awhile, this will probably not come as a surprise. But here it is:   Low fat diets do not work     That is not just my opinion, this study shows that low fat diets have "been a complete failure tackling obesity". So what do...
Holiday Survival Guide (gift)

Holiday Survival Guide (gift)

Did you know there are some unlucky people out there that are not on my e-mail list? I know, so crazy!   With that in mind, I wanted to make sure if that is you that you still got your free copy of the HABC Holiday Survival Guide. It is chock full of tips, tricks,...
I thought my son had been kidnapped

I thought my son had been kidnapped

I had just finished teaching my 830am boot camp, picked up a few groceries, and was getting ready to take nap. Then the phone rang, so I grudgingly got up and answered it.   It was a robo-call from the school that I was only halfway listening to, until it said my...


Happy National Gratitude Month! We’ve all heard the word, but do you ever stop and think about what gratitude means? Here is the fancy definition according to Google:   Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return...