
I had just finished teaching my 830am boot camp, picked up a few groceries, and was getting ready to take nap. Then the phone rang, so I grudgingly got up and answered it.


It was a robo-call from the school that I was only halfway listening to, until it said my son’s name. The message said he was absent from school that day.


My heart almost stopped because it was 10am and my son rides his bike to school every day. He had left the house at 720 that morning. All the doomsday scenarios were running through my head as I hurriedly called the school.


The secretary picked up and confirmed that he was marked as missing from school, but she would send a student aide to his classroom to double check. That was the longest 5 minutes of my life. All I could think of was we should have set up way to know if he gets to school every day and now it was too late.


The secretary gets back on the line and tells me it was a mistake and that the wrong child got marked absent. Such. A. Relief.


I felt like we were given a second chance and now we have a way to know immediately when he is not at school on time. We were able to take action to prevent something bad from happening.


Have you been through something similar with your health? Have you been told by a doctor you need to be more active or ________ will happen? Are you starting to see your strength, mobility, and vitality decline? Do you just feel like crap all the time?


It is not too late to fix that! Heed the warning signs and take action.


So where do you start? Start with this quote:



What is something you do (or don’t do) every day that needs to change? Start there, improve your daily routine, and you will improve your future no matter what condition you are in now.