Somebody could't have slipped me a protein shake or a steroid or something???

Somebody could't have slipped me a protein shake or a steroid or something???


Here are a few of the highlights from my illustrious high school basketball career:

-fouled out in 2 minutes (2 offensive, 3 defensive)
-played a total of 13 seconds one game
-scored 12 points against! But it was against a team that was down to 4 players by the time I got in


Ok, so maybe football was more of the sport for me. My son loves basketball and thankfully as some awesome coaches. I do what I can to help him, but I am amazed at how much I have forgotten about basketball.


Despite not playing much, I practiced for so many hours and ran so many drills you would think I could retain a lot of that stuff. Not so much, but there is one thing that I remember.


Triple Threat


Anyone whoever played for Ronnie Stapler (here are a few other things I learned from Coach Stapler) knows all about Triple Threat. I went to school with his daughter and she would each lunch in the Triple Threat position.


Triple Threat is a position you get into when you get the ball so that you can easily dribble, shoot, or pass. To this day I get into Triple Threat whenever I catch a ball.


My point of all this b ball talk is to get you thinking about what Triple Threat could be for you in regards to fat loss and getting in shape. After you've been exercising and eating right for long period of time, you have the tendency to forget what worked for you.


The basics will always work, sometimes they just need tweaking. Think back to a time when you had success with losing weight, getting in shape, etc... What were you doing then?


Chances are you were: consistently exercising at least 3 days a week; cooking more, eating out less, and fueling your body with whole foods; doing the extra things that mattered like sleeping enough, being more active in every day life, having a positive attitude, stretching, and getting rid of harmful stress.


Or maybe you were in college and could eat, drink, and do whatever you wanted and still look good. That doesn't count.


It’s time to bring back your Triple Threat. Exercise, Healthy Eating, and the Little Things That Matter.


You don't have to start doing all of them today, just pick out the easiest one for you to start and then start! Make that step a habit (however long it takes) and then add in the next one. The key is changing something to get you started in a positive direction.