Cyber Monday Specials!

Cyber Monday Specials!

Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday. I had a great time wit family and friends, but I am definitely feeling the fun. Been on that Paula Dean butter and sugar plan. Anybody else? Since it is Cyber Monday and I thought you might be feeling like me too, I have a...
Black Friday Specials!

Black Friday Specials!

It is time to start planning your attack for 2019. 2019 sounds futuristic doesn't it?  Seems like just yesterday I was worrying about Y2K...   The straight up truth is that the clients who commit to our program long term, have the most success. We don't do quick fixes...
My black eye’s 15 minutes of fame

My black eye’s 15 minutes of fame

I went on the news yesterday to talk about surviving the holidays without gaining weight. I gotta be honest, I didn't really bring a whole lot to the table other than showing off my black eye. If you want to see the news segment, you can go here ----->WAFF 48 So I...
Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

There are different theories as what caused the Titanic to sink. The latest I have heard is that the iceberg cut a long 1.5 inch cut down the side of the ship. Within 2 hours, that tiny incision caused the 900-foot long “unsinkable” ship to go down. Poor Leonardo...
Your body is the summary of your choices

Your body is the summary of your choices

I teach a middle school Sunday class made up of boys and girls 6th-8th grade. It is a pretty hilarious class most of the time and I learn more from them than what I teach them I'm sure. Our lesson last weekend was on choices. We have kids about to start high school,...
A new diet plan

A new diet plan

Some of you are veterans of the war on fat. Back in the days when low fat was recommended across the board by doctors and dietitians. That brought on what I all the Invasion of Snackwells. Low fat and no fat snacks were everywhere! Do you remember Wow chips? If you...