Do you have a Funky Towel?

Do you have a Funky Towel?

  Last week I got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, and started going about my usual business of changing the world. But something was not right. In fact, something was stanking. There is a difference between stank and stink, in case you didn't know. Stank is...
The Magic Fat Loss Formula

The Magic Fat Loss Formula

On Wednesday I talked abut getting back to the basics. The basics are the building blocks for any successful program. The problem with the basics is that it is not sexy. You will never see the basics featured in People magazine on how an actress used them to get ready...
Sugar and Cancer

Sugar and Cancer

Health professionals have been saying for years that there is a connection between sugar and cancer. Now scientists have discovered more about how it actually works. This article describes how sugar traps cancer in a vicious cycle that makes it harder for people to...
HIIT me with your best shot

HIIT me with your best shot

In my last post, I mentioned the research backing High Intensity Interval Training (the cool kids call it HIIT) as a time saving form of exercise. You will even see benefits from using HIIT if you use them in your walking program. Just by going a little bit faster a...
Blackmail your way to success!

Blackmail your way to success!

With all the controversy surrounding those knuckleheads in Charlottesville, VA it reminds me of a strange, but interesting book. The book is called The Blackmail Diet by John Bear. The subtitle of the book is Lose Weight Or Else! Pretty catchy title right there. The...
It's just too much!!!

It's just too much!!!

I was a chaperone for a church youth trip this past weekend. We took the kids to a conference called Motion that was held at the BJCC in Birmingham. It was amazing, overwhelming, and I don’t think I slept more than 6 hours total the whole time we were there. Sleeping...