Changing your life with tiny habits

Changing your life with tiny habits

I had a lot of positive responses to my post on breaking down your habits into smaller goals. Today I want to go a little bit further on that subject and get into anchoring habits. Anchoring your habits, just means you tie them to something else you are already doing....
Your body is the summary of your choices

Your body is the summary of your choices

I teach a middle school Sunday class made up of boys and girls 6th-8th grade. It is a pretty hilarious class most of the time and I learn more from them than what I teach them I'm sure. Our lesson last weekend was on choices. We have kids about to start high school,...
The Humane way to do Burpees

The Humane way to do Burpees

Burpees are the dental appointments of the exercise world. They are dreaded and feared by the majority of people who hear about them. What was the first thing you did when you read the word "burpees" in the title of this e-mail. This may be a pointless e-mail because...
Guaranteed fat loss? It's a Christmas miracle!

Guaranteed fat loss? It's a Christmas miracle!

It’s Friday. You know what I love to talk about on Fridays? Glycogen depletion. Glycogen is energy, in the form of carbohydrates, that is stored in our muscles and our liver. Studies show that when our body is low on glycogen, meaning the energy storage silos (muscles...
The Magic Fat Loss Formula

The Magic Fat Loss Formula

On Wednesday I talked abut getting back to the basics. The basics are the building blocks for any successful program. The problem with the basics is that it is not sexy. You will never see the basics featured in People magazine on how an actress used them to get ready...
HIIT me with your best shot

HIIT me with your best shot

In my last post, I mentioned the research backing High Intensity Interval Training (the cool kids call it HIIT) as a time saving form of exercise. You will even see benefits from using HIIT if you use them in your walking program. Just by going a little bit faster a...