This might make you run a 5K

This might make you run a 5K

  I've gone on record a few times saying I am not a runner. I believe to be a runner you have to enjoy it. I'm not there yet.   But, by the end of this post I think you will be motivated to run a 5K. Or Jog, walk, or as some of my clients like to say jog waddle a 5K....
You are wasting time worrying

You are wasting time worrying

I was listening to a Stephen Covey book while I worked out (because I am a nerd like that) and he was talking about something that we all deal with on a daily basis. Stress The topic was about the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence. Your Circle of Concern...

Kick off your Sunday shoes and feel like a kid!

  Man my toes are killing me! Do you get many blogs that start like that? Every Sunday I do a circuit style workout with my wife and son. Great family time and it is a quick and effective workout. We did 30 seconds on 30 seconds rest for 4 round of: -Battle ropes...