

I've gone on record a few times saying I am not a runner. I believe to be a runner you have to enjoy it. I'm not there yet.


But, by the end of this post I think you will be motivated to run a 5K. Or Jog, walk, or as some of my clients like to say jog waddle a 5K.


The Liz Hurley Ribbon Run is coming up on October 19th and it the largest 5K in north Alabama. It is the largest for a reason. The money the race will raise goes to fight breast cancer, a disease that 1 in 8 women will face every year.


I want to share a story with you about my friend Ronda and her reason for running this 5K, even though she is not a runner. It is a story about how you can do anything if your Why is big enough. Check out Ronda's Why below:


Ronda's story