You need these cookies

You need these cookies

I've been listening to a book on Audible called "Can't Hurt Me: Master your mind and defy the odds" by David Goggins. It is a story about a man who was depressed. overweight, and with no hope for the future, to one of the most accomplished men to ever join the...
My black eye’s 15 minutes of fame

My black eye’s 15 minutes of fame

I went on the news yesterday to talk about surviving the holidays without gaining weight. I gotta be honest, I didn't really bring a whole lot to the table other than showing off my black eye. If you want to see the news segment, you can go here ----->WAFF 48 So I...
DDP And I Caused A Ruckus In A Coffee Shop

DDP And I Caused A Ruckus In A Coffee Shop

When I was at Auburn, my roommates and I used to watch WCW wrestling a lot. Because the real education you get at college, occurs outside of the classroom. My favorite wrestler was this guy named Diamond Dallas Page, or DDP for short. You may know him now as the guy...
“Discipline makes things easier”

“Discipline makes things easier”

I look for inspiration for these e-mails anywhere I can find them. This one was based on a song by Dead Prez called Discipline. The song keeps repeating over and over that "Discipline makes things easier". That is so true! Now most people don't think of discipline...
Don’t do these exercises after 50!

Don’t do these exercises after 50!

Reader's Digest published an article recently that went through the exercises you shouldn't do after 50. I found it to be incredibly insulting and condescending to people over the age of 50. Telling them they shouldn't do things like squats with weights, pushups,...