No Booze For You!

  In a recent study from the ominous sounding group, The Global Burden of Diseases, it was recommended that the only safe level of drinking alcohol is zero drinks. We have seen all of the studies about red wine and how one drink per day is good for you. The study...
Don’t do these exercises after 50!

Don’t do these exercises after 50!

Reader's Digest published an article recently that went through the exercises you shouldn't do after 50. I found it to be incredibly insulting and condescending to people over the age of 50. Telling them they shouldn't do things like squats with weights, pushups,...
Are you a one day-er?

Are you a one day-er?

I was reading a devotion by Tim Tebow the other day and he talked about being around a lot of people who are one day-ers. People who are always saying "One day I will _______". One day I will go on a mission trip. One day I will tell my dad I love him. Those are two...
Pyramid of Success For Weight Loss

Pyramid of Success For Weight Loss

John Wooden is widely considered the best basketball coach of all time. His teams won 10 national championships in 12 years, including an unbelievable 7 in a row. The closest any other team has come in Division 1 basketball, is Connecticut's women's team with 4 in a...
A New Normal

A New Normal

A recent study found that when people are exposed to smaller portions of food that it can lead to them eating smaller portions later on, even when given the option to eat more. They learn to be satisfied and not feel deprived, even when eating the smaller amounts....