I was reading a devotion by Tim Tebow the other day and he talked about being around a lot of people who are one day-ers. People who are always saying "One day I will _______". One day I will go on a mission trip. One day I will tell my dad I love him. Those are two of the examples he used.
I have also interacted with a lot of one day-ers in my time. One day they will come to my boot camp. One day they are going to start eating healthy. One day they will start taking better care of themselves. One day they will take that vacation. But I have figured out something pretty crucial over the years.
One day means never.
Without a specific, international plan that one day is never going to happen. It just won't!
What is your one day? We all have them don't we? Then let's start doing something about that!
Your homework this weekend is to come up with a plan to make one day today. Your one day could be eating better, starting to exercise, or whatever you want. Your job is to figure out what that looks like for your lifestyle and schedule.
If it is something that is going to improve your life, why wait??? Don't wait to give yourself the gift of being better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you are not careful, one day turns into one day too late.