The Importance of Challenge Workouts

The Importance of Challenge Workouts

  Something we do in our boot camp classes are personal challenge workouts. In the first week, we will see how many repetitions we can do in one minute. Then in the last week, we will test again to see how much we have improved.   Last camp we did pushups, squats with...
"Change your life in 8 minutes"

"Change your life in 8 minutes"

Meal planning may seem monotonous (because it is), but the pay off is worth it. Think about what happens when you do not have anything planned a meal, time gets short, and you are hungry? Fast food, pizza deliveries, microwave salt licks. (No Lean Cuisines are not...
Are you a worrier? This is for you

Are you a worrier? This is for you

“If you can’ get out of your head, get into your body.” -Tim Ferriss   That quote is not to be confused with that sweet, Billy Ocean song from back in the day.   Do you know what the most common mental disorder in America is? It is estimated that 40 million Americans...
Overwhelmed and Discouraged

Overwhelmed and Discouraged

In Monday’s post I talked about how discipline can equal freedom. Then I offered 4 tips on how to increase your self discipline.   Today I want to give you a little warning about what happens when you let your discipline begin to slip. This is something I have seen in...
4 Tips To Increasing Self Discipline

4 Tips To Increasing Self Discipline

There is a podcast I listen to called the Jocko Podcast. One of Jocko’s favorite sayings is that discipline equals freedom. That is a pretty powerful statement with just three words and I have seen it bear out in my life. When I am disciplined in my business, I have...