There is a podcast I listen to called the Jocko Podcast. One of Jocko’s favorite sayings is that discipline equals freedom.

That is a pretty powerful statement with just three words and I have seen it bear out in my life. When I am disciplined in my business, I have the freedom to spend more time with my family and doing the things I enjoy.

When I am disciplined with my nutrition throughout the week, I am free from guilt when I eat pizza on Friday night.

When I am disciplined with my workouts, I have the freedom of feeling awesome! Nothing feels as good as feeling good does

Here are four tips to help you become more disciplined, so you can have more freedom.

1. Keep the goal in mind

I can’t remember the last time I took a week off from working out when I wasn’t sick. I am absolutely driven (possibly addicted) to exercise. Part of it is that I am not quite right in the head. But the main reason is that I have a powerful goal in mind.

If I ever need a little inspiration I pick up a 50 pound dumbbell and remember I used to carry that weight on my body all day long when I was overweight. Never going back to being overweight is a huge motivating goal for me.

2. Realize you need it

Sounds simple, but it’s the truth. Look at your life and see where you need discipline. Being completely honest with yourself, choose one area you will begin working on today. Knowing is half the battle.


 3. Do something every day you don’t want to do

It could be as simple as turning the water cold for one minute in the shower, getting up 15 minutes earlier than usual, or turning off your phone at 8pm. What you choose is not important. The important part is overcoming that initial aversion to doing something.

This will make it easier in the future to break through the next time you don’t want to do something. This will also being to bleed over into your workouts and the rest of your life. When you feel like quitting, you know you can push a little further and make it. You will make overcoming obstacles a habit.

4. Remember this quote