Building Bock Three- 7 Steps For The Best Rest

Building Bock Three- 7 Steps For The Best Rest

Raise your hand if you get enough sleep? Not too many hands there, I know mine wasn't up. But I am constantly working on ways I can improve my sleep/rest, which will lead to better recovery,  which will lead me to getting better results with those first two building...
Building Block 1- Lessons from a Ginger Hulk

Building Block 1- Lessons from a Ginger Hulk

My wife and I took the train down to New Orleans for a wedding a few years ago. The train is a pretty awesome way to travel if you aren't in a hurry by the way.   We get there pretty late, by my standards any way. It was about 10pm, so it was pretty dark out. The...
It's just too much!!!

It's just too much!!!

I was a chaperone for a church youth trip this past weekend. We took the kids to a conference called Motion that was held at the BJCC in Birmingham. It was amazing, overwhelming, and I don’t think I slept more than 6 hours total the whole time we were there. Sleeping...
The importance of Your Future Self

The importance of Your Future Self

  Daniel H. Pink recounts an experiment that tested people’s ability to invest in their future in his book “To Sell Is Human”. Yep, I’m using that book again, it’s a good book. They tested the subjects by having one group look at an image of themselves now and then...
Endurance Training Class is back!

Endurance Training Class is back!

I don't know about you, but I plan on being around for awhile and I plan on being active for the rest of my life. So the older I get, the more I value endurance. When you hear the word endurance, what do you think of? Running is my guess. That is part of the equation,...