My wife and I took the train down to New Orleans for a wedding a few years ago. The train is a pretty awesome way to travel if you aren't in a hurry by the way.


We get there pretty late, by my standards any way. It was about 10pm, so it was pretty dark out. The place we were staying at was one of those deals where you pay on-line, the person sends you a code, and then you get the key to your place out of a lock box when you get there.


I put the code in this stinking thing about 10 times and nothing! I was a little tired and admittedly a lot hangry, so my mind was not right. It is always good when you have to preface things like that, isn't it?

I gave the code one more try and then I kind of blacked out. When I come back to reality I am holding a lock box that was bolted into a concrete wall just seconds before.


In the middle of my Hulk Lock Box Smash I start wandering around and I see another lock box a little bit down from where I was standing. You can probably guess that the code worked perfectly on that one. That made for a slightly awkward moment for me and the other lock box owner...

How scary would a ginger Hulk be by the way?


Do you ever feel like you are just beating your head against the wall with your exercise plan? You keep trying the "code" that works for your friends, people on the Internet, and every celebrity. I will let you in on a little secret.


Not everything works for everybody.


Sounds pretty obvious, but that truth evades many people. Just because someone you know lost 50 pounds and kept it off doing Crossfit, Zumba, Body Pump, boot camp, etc.. does not mean it will work the same for you.


There are several facts that go into, but when you are choosing what workout to do consider a few things:


Consistency- Can I see myself doing this on a regular basis for at least 1 month? Consistency is a huge factor that can make or break your success rate.


Lifestyle- Will this fit into my work/family/home life? If it conflicts with more than one area of your life, it is going to be tough to establish a routine.


Enjoyment- Are you going to be miserable the ENTIRE time you are doing this plan? If so, don't do it! There are hundreds of ways to get in shape without having to hate your life the rest of your time on Earth.


Intensity- Can you safely work out harder without injuring yourself? Does your workout include progressions and regressions (ways to make it harder or easier) so you can continually get results at your level?


Be willing to try multiple things before you can find the plan that can give you long term results and that you will actually look forward to doing. There is a plan out there for everyone, it is your job to keep searching until you find it.


We do a pretty darn good job at Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp of helping people achieve these factors. If you would like to come see what we do, I am offering a free week to the first 5 people who e-mail me and ask for the free week. My e-mail is

Our Tighten and Toning Camp starts on Monday and you can start with us, all it takes is an e-mail.