Crunches are a waste of time?

Crunches are a waste of time?

  It's great to be back! I had an amazing time in Jamaica. Really enjoyed the food, the people, the weather, and the scenery. Lot of relaxing, mixed with some action and adventure. Just what the doctor ordered. I want to touch on a very popular topic today. Abs! A lot...
Do you have a Funky Towel?

Do you have a Funky Towel?

  Last week I got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, and started going about my usual business of changing the world. But something was not right. In fact, something was stanking. There is a difference between stank and stink, in case you didn't know. Stank is...
Level One Nutrition Course enrolling new members now!

Level One Nutrition Course enrolling new members now!

Last week I shared with you about how important taking control of mindless eating is. How it can be the deciding factor in your whether or not you reach your goals. Mastering mindless eating is actually a skill that can be taught. That is what is covered in the Level...

Why you need Deep Health

  On Friday I mentioned a term called deep health that I learned from Precision Nutrition. They are, what I consider the top source of relevant and effective nutrition information out there today. Here is the definition in their own words: “At Precision Nutrition we...