Step by step plan to reach your goals

Step by step plan to reach your goals

in my last post, I talked about the importance of your deeply emotional Why. Creating a compelling goal can be the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning when it is cold and you're just not feeling this workout. Or when everyone else is going out for margaritas...
The game changing goal setting technique

The game changing goal setting technique

Are you ready for 2019? This is going to be the year we make things happen! Just like last year! Wait... Maybe you crushed your goals last year, but if you're like most of us things probably could have gone better. So what are we going to do different this year?...


  Yesterday in our HABC Facebook group we were going through our one word mantra for 2019. That may sound a little cheesy, but a mantra can truly be a powerful thing. My word is Finish. I was reflecting back on 2018 and all that happened this year. I looked at the...
Measure, Track, Succeed

Measure, Track, Succeed

This is a quote I see in business circles all the time. Sometimes it is followed by "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." Both quotes make good points and be applied to weight loss too. If you are trying to lose weight, you kinda need to know how much you...
You need these cookies

You need these cookies

I've been listening to a book on Audible called "Can't Hurt Me: Master your mind and defy the odds" by David Goggins. It is a story about a man who was depressed. overweight, and with no hope for the future, to one of the most accomplished men to ever join the...