The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Words have a lot of power. Do you doubt me? Go watch old episodes of Pee Wee's Playhouse when the word of the day came up. Madness!   The words you choose to use can often be the difference between success and failure. I've choses a few phrases for you to eliminate...

Your job is why you eat donuts

If you are wearing a watch, take it off, and put it on your other arm. If you don't wear a watch you can move your FitBit, a ring (preferably not a wedding ring), or anything you wear regularly to another spot on your body. How does that feel? Is it driving you crazy?...
Using your brain to train, the Mind Muscle Connection

Using your brain to train, the Mind Muscle Connection

This is a tip you can put into practice in your next workout. It involves what fancy people call the Mind Muscle Connection. The idea is that if you focus on the muscle you are working it will increase the effectiveness of the exercise. For instance, Arnold...
Focus on this muscle first

Focus on this muscle first

For the most part, we all know what to do to reach our fitness goals. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep, etc… The big question is, why aren’t we doing it? Our most important muscle not ready. That is why your brain is the most important muscle for you to focus...
Why you eat so much

Why you eat so much

Do you ever wonder why you eat so much? Why you eat past the point of the being full? Why you eat a ton of foods that don't even taste that good? The answer a lot of the time is opportunity. This is probably not that mind blowing, but the more food you have access to...
About those workouts you keep skipping…

About those workouts you keep skipping…

Do you find yourself constantly skipping your workouts? You had good intentions of making it to your workout but you just can't seem to make it happen. Life gets in the way some times, but if this seems to be happening over and over it needs to be addressed. First you...