Burpee Calculator? Sickos…

3.4 pounds of candy. That is what the average American eats every year during the Halloween season. I don’t mean to brag, but I think I’m above average on this little stat. I feel it’s my job as a parent to save my son from eating all of that candy. I’m a giver. This...
Better Bad Things

Better Bad Things

  I was listening to a podcast called The Impact Show yesterday and the host was talking about having better, bad days. I have been preaching about the importance of better, bad choices for years so this will be a great addition. Let’s get into these two concepts a...
The Cubs, Bozo, A Goat Curse, and Weight Loss

The Cubs, Bozo, A Goat Curse, and Weight Loss

I grew up a big Cubs fan. Kind of weird for a kid from Alabama, but that is the power of television. We had the TV station WGN growing up, so I was convinced of two things: I would have totally dominated the Grand Prize Game on The Bozo Show The Cubs were the greatest...
BYOT (Be Your Own Thighmaster)

BYOT (Be Your Own Thighmaster)

The inner thigh muscles are also known as the adductors. You can remember that because they pull your leg back towards your body, like you are ADDing it back to your body. You just got 75% of what I remember from my college degree right there. The adductor muscles are...

Bad Mamajamma Training

Have you ever done a kickboxing class? It is such a fun and energizing workout! We did a Cardio Kickboxing series several months ago and people loved it. So we are bringing it back on September 17th!   The class is taught by Deborah Thomason who has a black belt in...
3 things for runners to add to their daily routine

3 things for runners to add to their daily routine

  Today’s post is dedicated to all my running friends and those who might one day become runners. One of the biggest reasons people quit running is because it hurts! That could be because they went too far too soon, muscle imbalances, improper technique, etc… That is...