6 Odd Ways To Have More Energy

6 Odd Ways To Have More Energy

There are a ton of things that your energy level depends on. But I wanted to focus on some things that maybe you hadn't thought about in regards to your energy. Here are 6 odd ways to increase energy: 1. Be Decisive We all have a million choices we have to make every...
What I learned from a Nicaraguan Rat

What I learned from a Nicaraguan Rat

When I was in Nicaragua, I found an awesome way to wake up IMMEDIATELY and without caffeine. Equipment needed: -1 rat It's pretty hot in Nicaragua and where we were staying was not air conditioned. So we set up our cots up outside because it was too hot indoors. I...

5 Ways To Get More Energized

Have you had a long week? Feeling beat down by the end of the work week? You are not alone. Do you know what one of the most common reasons people cite for going to the doctor? Fatigue. A lot of us just do not have any energy.    Here are 5 ways to get more energized:...
Go take a hike!

Go take a hike!

Glad you didn't take the title wrong. We are starting something new here in the Huntsville area. Adventure Hiking Classes! We will start the very first class on Saturday January 25th at 9am. What to expect: -Gain strength and endurance -Learn the basics of hiking -See...
5 minutes fixes for a more awesome you

5 minutes fixes for a more awesome you

  This is a very busy time of year. When you get really busy, you become overwhelmed and a lot of things start eroding. Your health is usually the first thing to go, but is more important than anything else.   So I came up with 5 things you can do, that take 5 minutes...
Are you weight loss resistant?

Are you weight loss resistant?

  You've been exercising, you've been eating the right foods, you've even given up your Little Debbie addiction! It's been 30 days, the moment of truth. Time to get on that scale and find out just how awesome you did. You excitedly adjust the scale and Bam! You stayed...