
Do you have a word of the year? I'm not talking about the Oxford Dictionary Word of the year.


By the way, do you know what "word" won last year? That emoji that looks like it's crying. It's officially called "Face with tears of Joy". Now you have some worthless trivia.


I am talking about award that motivated, empowers, and inspires you to do more and be more. We were sharing our words of the year in our boot camp Facebook group and there were great examples.


Words like:


And my personal favorite:



Having a one word mantra can be a very simple, but powerful thing. Something to help you get refocused and back on track to reaching your goals.


For instance, my word of the year is momentum. Or if you really want to know, it is actually Joementum.


I use it to help me avoid procrastinating. While I'm sitting down to write a blog post, go ahead and write two of them in one sitting while I'm in writing mode.


Get my workout in right when I have time, not when I think I will have time later.


While I am prepping some chicken to grill later, go ahead and rip up some lettuce and chop some vegetables while I'm at it.
And I have used it very successfully this year. Give it some time today and figure out what one word you would like to use as a guide this year.