
I thought I might need to balance out Wednesdays feel good post with something that could be construed as a little harsher, but something you need to hear.


-You are the reason you are overweight

-You are the reason you don't exercise

-You are the reason you aren't more successful

-You are ______(insert other unsavory things)


Why do you need to hear that? Because of this quote I heard from the book "The 10X Rule" by Grant Cardone I was listening to on Audible the other day.


"If you're the problem, you're also the solution."


I think that is awesome! That gives me control, not some outside force that I can do nothing about.


When bad things happen or you find yourself in a bad way in life, ask yourself "What can I do to make sure this never happens again?"


For me, it is an almost daily question. What can I do to make certain that I never get overweight again? The solution for me is doing something every day to improve or maintain my health. Every. Single. Day.


Do the things it takes to improve, don't think about the things you have no control over, and keep at it.


You are the solution.