
Studies over the past few years have shown that Americans are eating more and more processed foods. Do you ever wonder what processed foods are?


Here is the USDA definition- any foods other than raw agricultural commodities and can be categorized by the extent of changes occurring in foods as a result of processing.


The Joe Martin simplified version- stuff that come out of a box or a bag.


These studies show that 60% of the foods we eat every day come from highly processed foods. And another 15% of the calories come from moderately processed foods.


Hey I get it. I'm right there with most people when a busy week hits and you don't have anything to eat in the house, having something that can be ready in 5 minutes is perfect. Of the processed foods 68% were ready to heat/ready to eat. It's all about convenience.


My homework for you this week is to start knocking that number down. Your goal is to cook and eat one additional healthy meal this week.


That is it. Do that every week until that one extra healthy meal becomes your new normal. Then you add in a 2nd meal. Keep repeating this process until you get to a number that is a good combination of healthy eating and that fits into your busy schedule.


Start the habit, establish the habit, build on the habit. Sound doable?