
I would like to give a shout out to one of our boot camp "graduates" Kim Holmes. When Kim first joined boot camp she was very quiet and timid until we started doing punching or kicking activities. Then I was impressed and a little frightened, I knew there was a hidden beast in there.


She was a casual runner, doing a 5K in the 39 minute range. Then next thing you know she is doing much faster 5ks, then 10ks, then she turned into Forrest Gump and has run 50 miles. Like in a row, 50 miles. Last week she traded in her van for a life time supply of shoes at Fleet Feet.


When I met her she was also terrified of swimming and bicycles. And much like her journey as a runner, she slowly chipped away at her fears. Got better, never completely gave into the fear.


This weekend she completed an Olympic distance Triathlon.


So if you are discouraged because you can barely make it a mile. Or you think you will never be able to complete a triathlon. Or even if you feel overwhelmed by life in general, my friend Kim is proof that it is possible.


Why not you too?