
I was reading Tony Robbins book called Money Master The Game and he made a great point I wanted to share with you. He was talking about why people are able to succeed where others fail.

If a room full of people has access to the same research, success systems, opportunities, and experts why aren’t they all successful? The most important difference is psychology.

A lot of what you are able to achieve is based on the story you tell yourself.


The example in the book was about a client of Mr. Robbins who kept sabotaging herself whenever she would start to do well financially. He learned that her parents had drilled in to her head that money was the root of all evil, so she would subconsciously avoid gaining money.

What story are you telling yourself?

Did someone make you believe you aren’t good enough to lose weight? Do you constantly feed negative thoughts that you are overweight and always will be?

You may have to dig a little, but find out what story you have been telling yourself all these years. And since you are the author of this story, you are allowed to change it.

Whenever you catch yourself being negative about your looks, performance, etc… imagine a giant pencil erasing that thought from your story. Then you write in something positive with your imaginary pen.

Sounds silly doesn’t it? Not as silly as undermining your success by telling yourself everything that is bad about you. Try it for 30 days and it will make a difference in your future success.

PS-I’m serious! Put this in practice today, you deserve success.