For those teams when you need to smell like the 90s

For those teams when you need to smell like the 90s

I have a confession to make to you.

I use AOL for all of my e-mail.

I've tried to quit many times, but I can't stop even though I'm aware that it makes me look like someone who still listens to 8 tracks.

It's an excellent distraction when I am actually trying to work. It posted these headlines after you send an e-mail to get you interested in their stories.

They had one last week about the body parts people obsess about the most.

Being a fitness professional, I had to investigate so I could be up on the latest research.

Do you have any guesses on what body parts women obsess about the most?

Their stomach is the area that 69% of women obsess about. Followed by thighs 36% and butt 29%.

You can check out the rest of the stats for men and women here

The problem with obsessing about something, is that all you tend to do. The issue seems so insurmountable that it can make you feel hopeless and you will do nothing but worry.

This is the time a molehill starts to become a mountain.


The best cure for that is AAA.



Do something about it! We have created a specially designed camp to help these specific problem areas.

This will be 4 weeks of class with a special focus on the stomach, butt, and thighs. This class will start on March 17th and we have also added a 2 days per week option for people who have requested it.

Registration is open today! Go to

 -Select the class location from the Calendar and Registration menu (Huntsville or Madison)

 -Find the class that time that suits you best (530am, 830am, or 530pm)

-Choose however many days per week (2-5 days) that you would like to attend

When you are actively working on your problems you will feel so much better, than when you are sitting back passively worrying about them.

Sign up today and we can obsess about important things, like having the Billy Ray Cyrus of e-mail systems.


Parents, let him be a lesson to us all. Lose your mullet, lose control of your daughter.

Parents, let him be a lesson to us all. Lose your mullet, lose control of your daughter.