Because so many of us are so busy nowadays, we no longer eat intuitively. Instead, we eat based on schedules and feelings more often than not. Some examples could be: fast food on the way to kid's sporting events; get bored and get snack as a diversion; eat to deal with stress, sadness or anxiety.
A great article in the January 2019 Fitness Journal provided an interesting tool to use to help teach our bodies when and how much to eat. It is called the Hunger Scale.
The idea is to avoid the extremes (too hungry, too full) and stay in the green areas. When we overeat constantly, it makes it more difficult for our body to recognize when we are full.
3 Added tips from the article are:
1. Ask yourself "Am I hungry?" before you eat. If you answer yes, then find where you are on the scale. If you say no, then you need to find out what has triggered you to want to eat.
2. Eliminate distractions (cell phones, iPads, etc..) and try to eat with family and friends as often a possible.
3. Eat slower. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to get the message that it is full.
In my last e-mail, I also mentioned the importance of portion control. You will see suggestions like "Eat 2 cups of this" or "6 ounces of that". Unless you are a weirdo, you probably don't go to restaurants and parties with measuring cups.
But almost everybody has hands they can use for measuring. Below is a very helpful guide from Precision Nutrition.
When you start using the Hunger Scale and portion control to your advantage it will help you lose weight, reduce body fat, and even improve your psychological health.