You wouldn't like his face either

-I kicked a solid pumpkin that I assumed had been carved because I didn't like his face. Turns out it was drawn on there.

 -I shake fists that are meant to be bumped

-I got 3rd degree sun burns on my feet because I got hungry and walked my ghostly feet for hours on the beach back to the place I was staying

 -I started a business in the height of a recession

 -I picked my college major by flipping through the book and looking for something with no math and no chemistry

-I order things off menus I don't want

-I've punched more inanimate objects than I can count

-I taught my younger brother to drive on Challenger's track because I didn't want him to worry about hitting light poles in the parking lot (or maybe because I thought it was funny)

-I bought a watch at Wal-Mart the size of Flava Flav's clock

-I recently bought a coconut

-I made and wore a necklace made from the medallion off of a bottle of Brut cologne

-I jumped off of a bridge into 6 inches of water

-I drove a Delta 88 Oldsmobile with a crown air freshener and wondered why the brothers looked at me funny

-For one of my first job interviews I was asked what my number one goal was and I told them it was to be the first white guy on Soul Train (got the job)

 -I moved to Ireland for a summer without a job and not knowing anyone there

-I did a research paper on haircuts

-I had a group of grown women carry potted plants, hop across a football field in mesh bags, drag a tire on a rope, well this one can take a while and is ongoing. Probably needs its own page.

-I bet everything I had won in Roulette on the green double zero for three reason:

1. It was St. Patrick's Day

2. I'm Irish

3. I'm a dumb a@@

-I wrote all this stuff down for other people to read