
You know the old saying "Couples that sweat together stay together"? Whoever came up with that saying was not married to a fitness coach.


Little advice for any young coach looking to give tips to their significant other. Just skip the advice giving and go straight to the part where you are quiet. Just trust me on that.


True love is working out together and no one is on anyone's nerves. Just pure exercise bliss. I put together just such a workout for you to do on Valentine's Day.


The True Love Partner Workout

For partner exercises 1-3 each partner will do their exercise for one minute, each partner will rest 30 seconds, then switch exercises and do that exercise for one minute.

For exercise 4 and 5, there is no exercise pairing. Exercise 4 is done for 45 seconds. Exercise 5 is 30 seconds on each side, then the other partner goes.

Go through the entire list 3 times, for a full body workout in a fairly short amount of time.



1A. Plank jacks- In the pushup position, you will jump your feet out like jumping jacks. Make sure to keep your hips down. For low impact you can step one leg out at a time or do this from your knees.


1B. Plank hold- Hold the pushup position or hold the same position on your forearms. Don't let your hips sag down or let your hips go up in the air. Low impact from your knees.


2A. Squats- feet shoulder width apart, push your hips back, sit back and away from your knee caps, making sure to keep your knees out and don't let them cave in.


2B. Seal Jacks- Start with your arms and feet out wide. Jump your hands and feet together. Low impact, step your right foot out to the side while bringing both arms out wide, feet back to the middle, then go to the other side.


3A. Jumping jacks- like what you think. Low impact, step one foot out at a time like in the seal jack above.


3B. Flutter kicks- lay on your back, sit with your hands on the side of your butt cheeks. Kick your feet barely off the ground like you are swimming.


4. High five pushups- Set up in the pushup position head to head arms length apart from your partner. Lower yourself down at the same time as you come up you will high five your partner at the top of the pushup. Alternate hands each time, feel free to do fist bumps instead.


5. Anti-rotation push- One partner clasps their hands together and then pushes their arms straight out from their chest. That partner's job is stay still and not let the other partners move them. The other partner will push on the side of their hands, then relax in a pulsing rhythm.