
As I was walking to pick up my son from school yesterday it hit me just how blessed I am to be able to walk with him every day. Not many dads have that luxury.

Even though it was really hot, I had stuff I needed to get done, I was thirsty, and my Goldendoodle woke me up from my nap I was thankful to be healthy, alive, and walking.

Enemies of nappers everywhere

Enemies of nappers everywhere

Side note- forget I said anything doodle related.

Do you ever stop and focus on things in your life that you are grateful for? Here are a few benefits people experience when they focus on the good things in their lives:

-less depression

-more optimistic

-less aches and pains

-better sleep

-less anxiety

-exercised more often

Another great thing about having an attitude of gratitude is the effect is has on your brain. When you are grateful it effects the part of that releases dopamine. It feels good to release dopamine, so this helps you continue to have that positive attitude so you can experience that feeling again.

Another benefit is that your brain is not a multitasker. When you are focused on the positive things in your life, you won't be focused on the bad things in your life.

What are some ways you can be more grateful? Try it out and you will feel better. It's science.

PS-on Friday I will tell you what I am doing to be more grateful and give back.