Negative self talk is a huge problem in today's society that can actually spill over and have negative physical consequences.


You say you don't talk bad about yourself? Just to make sure, look through this list and see if any of these sound familiar.


Four Common Forms of Negative Talk

1. Filtering

You eliminate all the positive you did and just pick out the negative aspects about yourself.


Person-"Hey you did so awesome on that presentation!"

You-"Yeah but my hair was parted on the wrong side, my slides were the wrong color, I didn't roll my R's properly, and I sneezed 3 times."



2. Personalizing

Anything bad happens it is automatically your fault.


"I can't believe they cancelled Gilmore Girls it's all my fault!"


3. Catastrophizing

Always anticipating the worst is going to happen.


"I spilled some milk, looks like this day is shot."


4. Polarizing

Things are either awesome or a complete disaster, no in between.


"I am great at this!"

"I am the worst human being to ever attempt pinning things on Pinterest."


Just by having a positive attitude you can expect these benefits:


  • Increased life span
  • Lower rate of depression
  • Lower level of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress



So in response to that, I've come up with The Get Happy Workout (Trademark pending). One of my strong points as a fitness instructor is my ability to make people laugh. It is part of my formula for making a happier and healthier person.


Sweat + Smile= Success


Don't you just feel great after you exercise? And after you have a good laugh? Try this 10 minute workout to get into a better mood.


Warning-do not take yourself too seriously and if you are a very serious person there is no need to read any further.


DO NOT do this in front of others.


Trust me.


Each exercise is for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds, then move onto the next exercise. Go through the whole list twice.


1. Wacky Jacks- hands behind your head, then try to make your knees and your elbows meet on the side of your body jumping jack style. Ridiculous.


2. Plank- the whole time I want you to think of something hilarious while you hold your plank. I find everything funny, but others might struggle here. Let me know if you need me.


3. Pushups- think about pushing through your armpits while you do these. This will make you stronger on pushups, but I also want you to make up benefits for pushing through your pits as you do so. For instance, did you know hair grows slower under your arms if you push hard enough while doing pushups? Less shaving=win.


4. Hip bridge talking- Lay on the ground, knees bent, feet near your butt. Push through your heels and make your hips go up in the air. I want you to contract and relax your butt without letting your hips drop down. Also, I want you imagine that those contractions and relaxations are your bum muscles talking to you. What could they possibly be saying? I need to know, so pass it on.


Great, low impact exercise that will also teach you how to get your glute muscles activated if you sit down a lot.


5. Squats- Push your hips back, keep your shoulder blades back, keep your knees out, and sit away from your knees on the way down. Push through your heels to stand back up. Whatever it takes, I want you to smile while you're doing this. Fake it until you make it.


It's 10 minutes of your time and if you embrace the goofiness properly I guarantee it will make you feel better. I have a PHD in goofy so you are in good hands.


When in doubt, check out this video of a baby laughing hysterically. Good times.