In a study published in BMC Public Health, researchers wanted to know why some women exercised and others did not. The women were asked:
-what their physical activity levels were
-what they thought about exercise
-what made them feel happy and successful
-what a perfect day looked like for them
-if they considered exercise a priority
All the women in the study had 4 main things that made them happy:
1. Connecting with others
2. Being of service to others
3. Participating in leisure activities and hobbies
4. Feeling relaxed and free from daily pressures
To feel successful, the women in the study wanted to: contribute to the success of others; accomplish goals; and achieve professional success.
Those were the things they could agree on. But when it came to views on physical activity, there was a big difference.
The “low active” women thought one or more of the following things about exercise:
-selfish and took time away from their family
-created stress in their life
-required too much commitment/intense effort
-this intense effort was taking away their need to relax
The “high active” group held the opposite viewpoints on exercise.
Exercise is not punishment! It is not something you do because you had birthday cake at the office or a couple of glasses of wine the night before.
Exercise is a reward to your body! It can make you a better mom, sister, wife, grandmother, business owner, and/or employee.
It can get rid of the stress you are feeling.
It does not take 2 hours a day every day to get in shape. You can see results in whatever time you can fit in, if you are willing to try. I guarantee you have the time, but sometimes you have to make the time if it is not already there.
You do not have to deadlift 500 pounds, do burpees all day, or anything else that seems too intense for you. What do you enjoy doing? Do that! Not what someone says you should do or what your friends like.
When you exercise regularly, you are able to relax better. When you relax better, you can sleep better at night. When you get more quality sleep you get more energy. It is a rewarding cycle, not one that decreases your quality of life.
Our boot camps use these principles successfully. It is a place where women can go to connect with others, help each other out, accomplish goals, and get rid of stress at their pace and individual fitness level. For at least that one hour, they can sweat, smile, laugh, and be with their friends in a stress free and positive environment.
That one hour pays dividends throughout the day. These are moms, sisters, wives(not to be confused with sister wives), grandmothers, and business owners who are better equipped to do the things they need to do during the day.
They are stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally BECAUSE of exercise not in spite of it.
This study did not mention one thing about the physical difference in these women. It only mentioned one thing, their attitudes. And that is great news! Because your attitude is what you have complete control over.
So if you consider yourself “low activity” it is time to change how you look at exercise. Find a way to move that makes you feel good and do that! Regular exercise will pay dividends across all areas of your life.
Give it a shot. There are women just like you, who change their lives every day by starting with just one exercise session. Why not you?