Recently I flew on an airplane. Side note, do people really need to add the "on an airplane" part of that sentence?


Anyway, flying can be a pretty physical task. It tests your strength, endurance, balance, and patience. So I developed a workout to get me ready for my next flight. My wife and I did this workout this past weekend and it was fun but challenging. Here is a video and then I will describe things better in the text below.

Do 5 total rounds, scale weights/times/distances to suit your fitness level


  1. Get your luggage


Grab two heavy objects (kettlebells, dumbbells, etc…), stand tall, keep your shoulders back, weights slightly away from your body, and walk 30 yards out and 30 yards back.


  1. TSA shoes off


Stand on one leg, take one shoe off, then the other, and then put them both back on.


  1. Late to the gate


Sprint 30 yards out 30 yards back.


  1. Put your luggage in the overhead compartment


With a sandbag (or kettlebells, barbell, or dumbbell) clean and press your luggage into the overhead bin. 10 reps with the heaviest weight you can do with good form.


  1. Hurry up hold


Hold a squat while you are waiting your turn to jump out into the aisle and get off that plane. Hold for 30 seconds. Much longer if you want it to be more life like. Short people can skip this exercise and just stand naturally.


  1. Grab your luggage from baggage claim


Run up to a sandbag, grab it by the handles, and throw it to the side. Repeat for 10 total throws. Throws not pictured in the video for fear of injuring curious dogs. Medicine ball can be substituted; I can’t recommend you throw weights unless you are at your own house. Then you do you.


What did I leave out? I'm sure some seasoned travelers can give me some better ideas. Give it a try and let me know what you think!