The Magic Fat Loss Formula

The Magic Fat Loss Formula

On Wednesday I talked abut getting back to the basics. The basics are the building blocks for any successful program. The problem with the basics is that it is not sexy. You will never see the basics featured in People magazine on how an actress used them to get ready...
HIIT me with your best shot

HIIT me with your best shot

In my last post, I mentioned the research backing High Intensity Interval Training (the cool kids call it HIIT) as a time saving form of exercise. You will even see benefits from using HIIT if you use them in your walking program. Just by going a little bit faster a...
How the sausage is made (weird motivation)

How the sausage is made (weird motivation)

If you want to become a vegetarian, I recommend you look into how sausage is made. You will probably become a vegetarian that day. Nobody wants to think about the "behind the scenes" type of stuff that goes into making something. I went through a sausage making...
The Cardio Fountain of Youth

The Cardio Fountain of Youth

In a recent study published in Cell Metabolism researchers may have found the key to slowing down the aging process. It is not a pill, potion, or surgical procedure. The key is good old exercise.   In particular the key is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The...
Too Much Information (TMI)

Too Much Information (TMI)

There is a phenomenon called information blindness that is caused by too much information. When people are faces with too much information, they just shut down and will now act.   Think about a restaurant with an overwhelming menu. What do you do? I just choose...