3 Year Anniversary Sale

3 Year Anniversary Sale

It is hard to believe I have been doing this boot camp for 3 years now. The years have absolutely flown by. There are so many people to thank it would take up way too much of your time.  Pretty soon I will tell you more about the many things that have happened over...
Boot camp with child care this summer

Boot camp with child care this summer

  This summer we are going to attempt something new. Child care while mom is at boot camp. Here is the nutshell version of what we will offer:   Where-Maverick Training Center. Mom will be in one room, kids in another. When- Starting for that camp that begins on May...

Crazy people in the gym

        One of the main reasons I started a boot camp for women only is because many women are not comfortable in the gym setting. I have been in gyms my whole life and have been ensconced amongst the unique species that inhabit this place. Some call me Gym Goodall......
Do you have that extra gear?

Do you have that extra gear?

          I have been a fitness professional for more than 12 years and I have noticed something time and time again. People who are able to get the best results have one thing in common. An extra gear. I'm not talking about speed or strength necessarily. I'm talking...
Wake up and live your life!

Wake up and live your life!

Do you ever feel like your life is just kind of happening to you and you are just an innocent bystander? I think that the majority of people do. I think too many people are living unconsciously. Anybody remember the commercials with the miserable guy saying "Got to...