What you do in your leisure time can kill you

What you do in your leisure time can kill you

Most people can do pretty good during the week. You get into a routine, you do your scheduled exercise program, and you handle your business. Then the weekend comes and it is laying on the couch surrounded by pizza boxes and bon bons. Maybe that’s just me... A study...
Be the 10% this year

Be the 10% this year

  Exercise resolutions are everywhere! But here is the deal that we all know.   Resolutions don't work.   90% of resolutions fail.   Sounds pretty grim doesn't it? I don't know about you, but I'm like the guy in Dumb and Dumber when he is told the odds are one in a...
You get paid for DONE

You get paid for DONE

There is a fitness business coach named Pat Rigsby who is a mentor of mine. One thing he constantly drives home is "You get paid for done."   What he means is, you don't get paid for ideas. You don't make any money off of half finished books or thinking about starting...
13 Ultra Fat Burning Secrets For Women

13 Ultra Fat Burning Secrets For Women

One of my main goals in life is to get the focus off of the scale and onto what is more important.   Fat Loss   Fun fact of the day, you can fit 4 pounds of fat in a 2 Liter bottle. I don't think you want to try that at home, but it is true.   If you just drop 4...
Do you just do STUFF in your workouts?

Do you just do STUFF in your workouts?

One of the most common reasons people don't get results is they go to the gym and just do STUFF. No plan, no rhyme or reason, they will just go workout.   Don't get me wrong this is MUCH better than doing nothing at all. The problem here is that begin to think that...